Tooth Whitening vs Teeth Polishing

Here is some information from us to clear up the confusion between whitening and polishing.

Differences between these procedures

Both procedures, tooth whitening and tooth polishing, are carried out by dentists in order to maintain your appearance, oral health and hygiene. The sole purpose of tooth whitening is to improve the appearance of teeth by enhancing their color. Most dentists and treatments promise a change of about eight shades of color compared to their current appearance. The whitening treatments also have the potential of treating deep stains that either acquired or genetically inherited. The whitening treatments bleach the enamel of teeth to give them a whiter shade. Although teeth’s whitening is not part of regular dental checkups, it can help prevent development of dental diseases.

Compared to tooth whitening, polishing de-scales and polishes teeth, and is done as part of the regular trips to the dentist. The common technique of teeth polishing uses tiny and concentrated blasts of air to clean the dental plaque and tartar that builds on teeth. It is an effective technique that achieves deep-cleaning of teeth. The procedure has beneficial effects on the color of teeth as it removes topical stains.

What causes Tooth Coloration?

The typical reason why teeth get stained or yellow is because of poor oral hygiene. Using tobacco or drinking of dark-colored liquids such as tea, coffee and red wine cause the teeth to be discolored. If you do not brush your teeth every time you take these products, you risk discoloring your teeth. Aging can also make teeth less white because the enamel gets thinner as one grows old. Teeth can also be stained if one was exposed to fluoride at a young age.

Is Tooth Whitening safe?

There is only one way to ensure your safety, that is, assurance that the product you are using is effective, as well as, the dentist. You should ensure the product you are using meets the appropriate health and safety regulations. It should be free of chemicals that can crack or damage your teeth. It is also highly recommended to consult a reputable dentist in Milton to help you whiten the teeth.

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Does the Procedure Hurt?

The process of tooth whitening should be free of pain. Products used to clean teeth should be applied topically on teeth and not to come into contact with nerve endings. Some procedures that use lasers and heat can make the process uncomfortable, but no pain at all. If you experience any pain that is not warranted by the product or dentist, halt the procedure and consult your dentist for help.

What are the Side Effects of Tooth Whitening?

The treatment is free of major side effects, but usually makes gums sensitive to temperatures and occasional touches. The sensitive is only for a short while and should evade few days after the treatment. To avoid any adverse reactions, you should consult your dentist before using any product. The same case applies when the discomforts continue for days or if you experience other significant side effects.

In order to maintain good oral health, it is important to visit your dentist once in every six months. Besides keeping your teeth and gums healthy, the checkups can help detect signs of teeth discoloration. Detecting the discoloration can help you take the necessary action before the condition deteriorates.

Brighten Your Smile: Whitening & Polishing

Teeth polishing and tooth whitening are two different approaches proposed by dentists to improve your oral health, hygiene, and aesthetics. Tooth whitening mainly focuses on improving your teeth’s colour, often vowing to lighten the colour by up to eight hues. This technique targets deep-set stains, which can be either obtained through lifestyle practices or inherited genetically by bleaching the tooth enamel for a more radiant appearance. Teeth polishing, on the other hand, smooths and cleans the surfaces of the teeth, contributing to prevalent dental hygiene and appearance. Although not normally incorporated in routine dental checkups, tooth whitening can also contribute to controlling dental diseases by upholding more hygienic and healthier teeth.

Looking for Tooth Whitening in Milton? Schedule an appointment, or give us a visit at Alliance Dental!

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